Birthday Celebration of Life

The birthday celebration of life held in our School is not intended to replace a traditional birthday party. It is just a brief ceremony that was designed by Montessorians and is used in various forms around the world.

During the Celebration of Life taking place in the primary classroom, we light a candle that represents the Sun. As it takes a year for the Earth to make one trip around the Sun, the birthday child carries a globe representing Earth revolving around the “Sun”, while we sing a special song. After each trip, they stop to look at the picture from that year and talk about it. The Celebration ends with the child blowing out the candle amidst a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday To You”!

Your child may also enjoy bringing a special book to read on the day of Celebration. It is also fine to bring a special treat to share with their friends during afternoon snack. Treats need to be store bought and nut free. We encourage you to choose low sugar options.”

Of course, parents are welcome to attend the celebration of their child’s life. Please discuss what would be an appropriate time with your child’s class teacher beforehand, and if you have any questions.

Families are invited to bring a photo from each year of the child’s life